Case study
Reading – Proposed outbuilding in rear garden
(Click here to have a look at the planning application: 231171)
A local resident faced a challenge with a neighboring property’s planning application for a substantial outbuilding in the rear garden, which threatened to disrupt the local character and residential amenity. This resident contacted Planning Voice for help and an objection letter was sent shortly after.
Main Issues
Impact on Local Character and Appearance: We highlighted that the proposed outbuilding’s scale, design, and location would detrimentally alter the character of the area, which is characterised by properties set in large, mature gardens. The outbuilding, due to its excessive scale and proximity to boundaries, would introduce an incongruent focal point, undermining the local distinctiveness and spatial harmony of the surrounding area.
Impact on Neighbouring Amenity: Concerns were raised about the proposed outbuilding’s potential to cause overshadowing, loss of natural light, and reduced outlook for neighboring gardens, alongside issues of privacy and noise disturbance. The proposed dimensions and the inclusion of facilities like a shower room and kitchen raised further fears about the outbuilding’s use as a separate dwelling, potentially exacerbating the impact on residential amenity.
Amended Application: Following the submission of our detailed planning objection, the application was revised to address the concerns raised. The outbuilding was repositioned further into the rear garden and saw a substantial reduction in size, aligning more closely with local planning guidelines and significantly mitigating the potential impacts on local character and neighbouring amenity.