Case study

Cheshire West and Chester – Erection of oak framed log store with hipped slate roof adjoining existing garage (retrospective)

(Click here to have a look at the planning application:23/03812/FUL)

The proposal was a retrospective for the extension of an existing car port with the erection of oak framed log store with hipped slate roof adjoining existing garage

Main Issues

  1. Current Use of the Store: The objection highlighted that the extension, contrary to its described purpose, was being used as a workshop and tool store. This deviation from the stated use raised concerns about its potential future conversion into residential space, affecting the planning officer’s previous concerns from 2015.
  2. Impact on Local Character and Appearance: The objection emphasised that the extension’s size and enclosed nature were inconsistent with local character policies (Policy ENV 6 and DM 3). The visual impact of the structure, including its elongated roof and dominating presence, was incompatible with the rural setting, detracting from the area’s visual harmony.
  3. Impact on Neighbouring Amenity: Concerns were raised regarding the adverse effects on neighboring properties, including overbearing scale, visual intrusion, and potential drainage issues. The extension’s visibility from multiple neighboring properties and its proximity to boundaries exacerbated these issues, leading to significant detriment to residential amenity.


Withdrawn Application: Following the submission of our detailed planning objection the application was withdrawn and the applicant has taken the structure down as a result.

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