Case study

Planning Objection for an application at Southwark, London.

Construction of a ground floor rear extension, rear loft dormer extension, new rooflight and SVP to front roof slope and conversion of garage into occupiable space with associated external alterations.

(Click here to have a look at the planning application:24/AP/0849)

Our client contacted Planning Voice requesting help objecting to a planning application. We analysed the site and drafted a powerful, policy-based planning objection letter that explored the detailed issues and focused on valid reasons to object, creating a compelling argument for the proposal’s refusal.

Main Issues

  1. Loss of Light and Overbearing Impact
    • The proposed extension breaches the 45-degree rule, causing significant loss of light to neighboring properties.
    • The scale and massing of the proposed loft conversion would exacerbate overshadowing and create an oppressive environment, especially for adjacent properties.
  2. Character and Design
    • The proposed development contradicts the original design principles that mandated the removal of permitted development rights to preserve the area’s character.
    • The cumulative impact of similar developments erodes the distinct architectural character of the neighborhood.
  3. Noise
    • Installation of an air conditioning unit on the second floor poses potential noise disturbances, particularly during night-time hours.
    • Increased occupancy from converted spaces may elevate noise levels, disrupting the residential harmony.
  4. Loss of Parking
    • Conversion of the garage to living space results in the loss of off-street parking, exacerbating existing parking congestion.
    • Increased demand for on-street parking due to intensified property use could further strain local parking resources.


Amended Application: Following the submission of our detailed planning objection, the Case Officer requested revisions the following revisions in order to address concerns regarding neighbour amenity: Reduction in eaves height of rear extension to 2.4m. Provide a shadow study for proposed dormer. Include windows to front elevation garage conversion.

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