Case study

London Borough of Bromley – Single storey front, side and rear extensions


Planning Voice prepared an objection on behalf of an adjacent property owner to the planning application (Ref: 2402115FULL6) for a single-storey extension to the front, side, and rear of 4 Sultan Street, Beckenham. This objection addressed concerns regarding potential adverse effects on residential amenity and neighborhood character and design, based on relevant Bromley Local Plan policies.

Main Issues
The objection focused on the impacts to residential amenity as well as character and design.

We highlighted that the proposed front extension would significantly reduce morning sunlight to a neighboring office room, creating a “tunnel effect.” This effect, combined with an existing structure on the opposite side, would lead to an overbearing impact, overshadowing, and a diminished sense of openness in the adjacent property’s garden and living areas. The objection argued that this would violate policies requiring developments to avoid negatively affecting neighbors’ access to light, privacy, and open space.

In terms of character and design, our planning objection stated that the proposed extensions were found to be incompatible with the existing terrace design. The front extension disrupted the visual alignment of the terrace’s front garages, and the side extension extended beyond the building line in a way that altered the area’s consistent character. The cumulative scale of the extensions resulted in overdevelopment, creating an incongruous appearance due to the flat roof design. The objection asserted that these aspects contradicted Bromley Local Plan policies, which emphasise compatibility in design, scale, and visual harmony with the surrounding area.


Refused Application: Following the submission of our detailed planning objection the application was refused!

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