Case study

Central Bedfordshire Council – Erection of a 1.5 storey, 1 one bedroom dwelling with parking and garden. Demolition of existing garage.


This case concerns a planning objection to an application for the erection of a 1.5 storey, 1 one bedroom dwelling with parking and garden. Demolition of existing garage.

Planning Voice argued this objection on three main issues:

  • Residential Amenity:
    The proximity of the proposed dwelling to No. 62 was found to violate the separation distance recommended in local guidelines, leading to privacy concerns and a loss of outlook for existing residents. The cramped layout, coupled with potential noise disturbances from driveway activities, posed an unacceptable impact on the quality of life for neighboring occupants.
  • Character and Design:
    The development was considered detrimental to the established character and pattern of the area. It disrupted a cohesive building line and represented overdevelopment, with a footprint misaligned with surrounding properties. This was contrary to policies emphasising sustainable, high-quality design that respects local distinctiveness.
  • Flood Risk and Surface Water Management:
    The site was located within a high-risk flood zone, prone to both fluvial and groundwater flooding due to its proximity to the River Flit and permeable soil conditions. Photographic evidence sent to us by the client demonstrated significant pooling after rainfall, and the proposed reliance on infiltration systems was deemed unviable due to space constraints and questionable permeability. Persistent drainage issues in the area further exacerbated concerns.


Withdrawn Application: The applicant withdrew the proposal, recognising the strength of the planning objection and the unlikelihood of the application being approved in its current form. This withdrawal prevented the potential harm the development would have caused to residential amenity, the area’s character, and local flood risk management.

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