Case study
Guildford Borough Council – Planning Objection to a proposed detached double garage and alterations to form an in and out driveway
The site, situated in a residential area of Guildford, comprises a two-story detached home surrounded by similarly styled properties with large gardens. The proposed development raised concerns about its impact on the residential amenity and character of the area.
Planning Voice argued this planning objection on two main issues:
Residential Amenity: The proposed garage’s height and placement would have negatively impacted natural light for adjacent properties, particularly during winter months. The plan violated the 45-degree guideline by obstructing sunlight access, creating an overbearing presence, and reducing the quiet enjoyment of nearby homes. Additional issues highlighted included potential future conversion of the garage into a habitable space, leading to increased noise, and restricted access to neighboring properties for maintenance due to the garage’s proximity to property boundaries.
Character and Design: The proposed garage would disrupt the established building line along Ganghill, where garages were traditionally built behind this line, preserving the open, leafy streetscape with mature trees. The planned structure’s high roofline and large, agricultural-style design were deemed incongruent with the residential character, compromising the visual appeal of the neighborhood and setting a precedent for similar intrusive developments.
Withdrawn Application: Following the submission of this detailed objection by Planning Voice, which highlighted the proposal’s conflicts with local planning policies and its potential to negatively impact the neighborhood, the application was ultimately withdrawn.